A Message To Anyone That Fancies Themselves As Enemies

In the most unnatural way possible, I had one of my wildly stupid “epiphanies”. I had found an “empty” freezer in a section of the grocery store that I was looking for something at. But I found something I found ridiculous in the “discount” basket.

In the middle of the summer of 2024, I found “Santa’s Cookies Ice Cream”. It was a silly product. They were sold in small containers, comically small in size. I wasn’t sure what their target market was.

I had thought to myself that this wouldn’t be worth eating and it would be one of those “rewards” that a person could lose trying to get. I’m sure that there is some type of philosophical lesson there. I had asked if I would wish that on my enemies.

I don’t wish that on my enemies. There is something else I don’t wish on my enemies:


I have mentioned more than once that we lean too much on the idea of trying to attain happiness. We often go to weird lengths to do so and we fail. But I think that we fail to look for the right thing in life.

I do wish them the following:


To be content, to know when someone is winning.

It makes more sense to wish this on my enemies. My enemies might find some semblance of peace in their lives and possibly not want to create the enemies in their lives as prescribed by a prevailing need to be a victim. They might call someone to check on someone they loathe that is stranded on the side of the road, instead laughing with glee as they drive off. They might find their own epiphany moments, instead of the madness that awaits them in years on this current path.

I understand that this can be considered its own madness, considering many among us that overlook humanity among us. (That and the petulant children who may never grow old, choosing to evolve into some other type of creatures).

I took a cue from Sun Tzu and I want to give my enemies an out. It isn’t that I don’t want to “win”, but I don’t define a win the same way that the most brutal do. I want my wins to mean more than others. I don’t have the childish outlook that many do (everyone can be my friends), but I don’t think that I have to “pwn” them. I want them to save face if they are presented with an opportunity to change.

About freemattpodcast

Lead shill for The FreeMatt Podcast
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6 Responses to A Message To Anyone That Fancies Themselves As Enemies

  1. audremyers says:

    Interesting look at ‘contentment’. I am content. I have come to grips with who and what I am. I don’t measure myself against anyone else. I made my decisions, chose my directions, and followed through with it all to the best of my ability. I am content. Not a bad way to feel at this point in my life.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Will S. says:

    We are enjoined by Christ to love our enemies; I take that to mean we strive to not wish them ill; pray for their conversion to the Faith. And we may well wish they’d repent of whatever it is that makes them enemies, and be at peace with us.

    Doesn’t mean we don’t have enemies, though, as some mushy moderate churchians would have us believe. And we can pray for victory over them when it comes to battles. But even POWs have fundamental human rights; respecting them is loving our enemies, too.

    Liked by 2 people

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