Am I Evil? Better To Ask How Low You Can Dip

Years ago, I saw a blurb on one of the news sites that put together a passing accusation that the US government, through intelligence proxies, had passed weapons to a terrorist group fighting the Iranian government. The carnage was fascinating.

I can’t say that I am blind to this happening. Countries do it to their enemies or perceived enemies. I understand it, after all, my country dropped a largely unproved weapon on a country we were fighting.

I have asked many people how far would you go to defeat an enemy. I got various answers. This isn’t a clear cut juggle.

I had mentioned my own observations of how Saddam Hussein gassing the Kurds was a small move in the grand scheme of things. I also mentioned how our short memories gloss over embracing evil to win.

(BTW, I didnt drink my own country’s Kool Aid when it comes to painting Saddam the way that they did. At one time, he was our “monkey’s paw” against Iran).

If you make a dramatic turn to our modern times, I saw that the Russian Federation has had issues with ISIS-K as of lately. The concert hall and religious facilities attacks are the notable ones.


People act like their countries are beyond teaming up with “secondary organizations” to win, or create havoc on their enemies.

I read that the US had been blamed after the concert hall attack. I am unsure of the Russian response to the synagogue attacks but I understand that their government would be upset, no matter who was ultimately responsible.

I don’t have an ear in what happened or who was really involved. I just wanted you to reflect and ask yourselves if you would stoop to that level. (I also want you to understand that your actions can often lead to unseen circumstances, like if you helped collapse a dictator’s control then saw a terrorist group seize control of a country).

You might be “evil” but how low do you dip? Where is your stopping point? Who is too “ugly” to be connected to?

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