Neurodivergence is Wasted On The Assholes Amongst Us

I had someone mention to me that they thought I “mask” when I deal with other people. I can’t lie, I have a series of problems dealing with others out in public. I have had my share of issues dealing with co-workers too. But it isn’t because I am neurodivergent, as that certain someone alluded to.

It isn’t neurodivergence that makes me loathe dealing with people. I am pleasantly surprised by many people that I have met in my life. I have met some “cool ass folks” during my work. I look forward to seeing many of them. I think of the 25% of people that have broken the paradigm and stayed in my personal life to be a gift. My problem is that I just got sick of dealing with pieces of crap.

But I think that social rules and mores of certain communities have been co-opted by a newly written “outs” for people to not and be pieces of crap. Some of those people are self styled “neurodivergents”.

(Note: I believe in neurodivergence, but plenty of people aren’t).

I think we are letting assholes get an out when we let them off the hook for being pieces of shit, especially if they get a chance to use a title as being part of an aggrieved group.

Aggrieved groups, in most of our modern parlance, are a way for people to not try. Or it is an easy hustle for the top 10% of its adherents. It is for weak people that don’t want to try to thrive. And calling yourself neurodivergent is one of them.

I think a cross section of the actual neurodivergents are legit, but I think some of them are low end assholes that are taking advantage of the fact that no one is willing to deck them when they run their mouths. There is no recourse.

(Yes, there is a victim signaling arms race among idiots. And any comeuppance is buried in time so people can find some other hustle in a few years).

The only apology I owe is to anyone that is an asshole that says that they are an asshole. That and the people that openly run their mouths without a label, then learn basic boxing skills.

I think that we bypassed the “‘tard days” and allowed people to victim signal, give themselves an out. Its wrong and I think neurodivergence is wasted on the wrong people.

I’m not neurodivergent. I am just as worn out, pissed off dude. Don’t waste your label on me, encourage people you think are “spergs” or “Type As” to go to an actual doctor, find out if they are actually neurodivergent. If they aren’t, they might just be weird folks or some form of asshole.

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